He knows when you're happy
He knows when you're comfortable
He knows when you're confident
And he always knows when you have carrots.

~ Author Unknown ~


Training With Knowledgeable Trustworthy Handlers

Whether the ultimate goal is for basic trail riding or for complicated intense equine activities like jumping or dressage, if you want to work well together, training your horse is necessary.  What is natural behaviour for a horse has little to do with reins, saddles, or bits.  A horse has to learn a form of basic, but meaningful, communication that involves man and the tools used in any equestrian pursuit.

While there may be several suitable ways to train a horse, you should consider more than the training method. What is most appropriate to your horse and to your situation?  What experience or successes has the trainer had? Is the trainer or handler knowledgeable of the natural behaviours of the equine?

It will be obvious when you find the right trainer. Its not just about references or credentials or loving horses. Your horse will respond most willingly to, and learn more efficiently from, a trainer who knows his work and loves doing it.

At Fayebrook we specialize in gaited horses but do train other breeds as well.  The age of the horse is not a factor. Obviously, young horses require training and sometimes an aged animal needs work to overcome behavioural problems or trauma. It might also be that initial training of your equine was inadequate and your animal needs retraining.

Because each horse responds differently to structured contact with humans, at Fayebrook we get to know each horse.  Our approach depends on the age of the horse, temperament, personality and the skills required for a proposed discipline. That is where our years of experience and insight are most beneficial. In the corrals at Fayebrook there is a great deal of enjoyment and satisfaction experienced by both horses and trainers. 

Generally speaking, at Fayebrook we train horses with a gentle yet firm technique, one that through wisdom and experience has developed over several decades.  Our training techniques started with Carla's father, Milton,  and though it may have been modified somewhat over the years, Carla and Rene keep to the basic method Carla's father taught. The success of this training method can be measured by the responsiveness of the horse and its willingness to learn. Consideration is given to the capabilities and limitations of the horse and progresses at a pace that ensures the horse experiences accomplishment while attaining the ultimate goals.

In the beginning we do a lot of consistent ground work in a controlled environment to ensure a horse learns to trust its handler, is able to comply with commands, and has good response to pressure.  We want the horses we train to have good brakes, steering and 'go' before they are taken out of a controlled environment.  When ready and rideable, we ride them in places like fields and ditches, through trees and over hills, to experience different terrain before they go back to their owner.

All horses are started in Bozal or Hackamore, but can be switched to a bit if that is what the horse owner prefers.  In order to tailor training to the owner's needs we listen to our clients and accommodate their requirements as much as we are able. 

Good training requires a minimum of three months of working with your horse.  After that period the horse will be evaluated by both you and the trainer to determine if any additional training is warranted.  We do not consider our work done until a horse is safe for you to handle and is able to respond and perform the skills required for its discipline under your control.  Of course, the discipline for which your horse may be destined requires specific skills and attaining those goals may require additional time.

Our goal at Fayebrook is for you and your equine to develop respect for each other and become trusting partners in whatever equine pursuit you follow.  Therefore, it is necessary for you to undertake some training as well -  learning to comfortably use the voice commands, cues, gestures or body language that your horse understands - to ensure that there is consistency in how your horse is handled when it leaves Fayebrook.

Contact Fayebrook for more information:

Understanding Equine Behaviour

An example of "Joining"
In this photo FBT La Amada has her nose down because she wants to 'Join Up" (befriend) Trim and her foal Jasmine.


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